
The summer vacation began right after Gallia had undergone a disk fusion operation. Yeela graduated from high school, completing a three-year program and flew with British Airways to Israel a day later, her suitcase was damaged, she didn’t get a … Continue reading


White can be empty, and lifeless, and still, there’s no white in a rainbow, or white on a hill Yet white is a swan glowing with beauty and grace as it drifts across the lake in a slow peaceful pace … Continue reading


Rain is the power of cool fire. Fierce yet gentle, flows but creates its own path, and cries not only for itself, but for the dwindling and decaying world around. These tears that have fallen seeped into my skin and … Continue reading

InterOP in Atlanta

It all started years ago when the telecommunication market started bustling with hundreds of new companies. Each one of these companies followed a vision that would correct the wrongs of the world or at least would steal the money of … Continue reading

Colors of Courage

Red is deep passion, The love that stays bold, Red is the hatred, the will never unfold. White is the silence, That tore through the clouds. White is the smoke, That drank up the crowds. Blue is the sky, Endless … Continue reading