Dear Imma
Yeela told me to write you a speech. Then Yeela told me to write you a speech again. Then again. Then she got mad at me for not writing a speech, because I should have written a speech. When I … Continue reading
Yeela told me to write you a speech. Then Yeela told me to write you a speech again. Then again. Then she got mad at me for not writing a speech, because I should have written a speech. When I … Continue reading
חמישים דברים שלמדנו ממך, אמא אמא’לה… לכבוד יום הולדתך החמישים, החלטנו שהגיע הזמן לתת את הזכויות ליוצרים… ולך בהחלט מגיע לשמוע על אילו 50 דברים אנו מודים. אין ספק שציידת אותנו לחיים. את ודאי תשימי לב שמרבית הדברים כבר מושרשים … Continue reading
Rehabilitating the culturally derailed is as delicate a task. It is a slow and painful process, which requires patience and compassion of the highest order, testing determination and faith as one faces heart-breaking defeats, which overshadow what little progress is … Continue reading
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My son Daniel greeted me when I returned from Stanford where I participate in a continuing studies class on Thursday night: – How did it go? – I got in trouble with the teacher; she wants to see my parents … Continue reading
View photos North and South America are connected by a thin trunk of land which was severed by the Panama Canal, The Columbians make cocaine, and Nicaraguans help move it North. Lore has it that late arriving smugglers have been … Continue reading
The events described herein span the period from May to September 2005. Not everything that happened is included, but what is included did happen. Yeela was discharged from the IDF after two and a half year of service and came … Continue reading
There are a few reasons why I sat down to write this paper. For one I wanted to sit down, and while I was at it I might as well have written something. Then there is the issue that the … Continue reading
In the photograph, two very young girls are sitting next to each other on a sofa. One is going on four and the other a toddler less than two years of age. The older one, while sucking on her milk … Continue reading
I have had quite some time to contemplate the empty house these past few days. During this time I have reflected on the obvious, the almost-obvious, the somewhat-obscure and the completely-incomprehensible. As I was sorting through these reflections I came … Continue reading
Full media coverage אוסמו בר-מצווה ביום זה בו אנו חוגגים לך בר-מצווה נדבוק במסורת וננצל את ההזדמנות לומר כמה מילות ברכה. אני חייבת להתוודות, כאשר שמעתי את הבשורות הטובות נשאלתי אם אני רוצה אח או אחות. מייד עניתי כי אחות … Continue reading
You don’t expect much from the airlines these days. All you really want is to get wherever you are going with dignity. At one end of the spectrum you find some airlines which have really ‘sucked it up’ and do … Continue reading
Full media coverage Daniel was born a few weeks after Yeela’s spelling test. Very few families remember a spelling test that took place thirteen years prior. We remember because it was the first and last time that I ‘helped’ Yeela … Continue reading
Showing sentiment towards the opposite sex is a challenge for eleven years old boys. At such an age one is expected to prefer one’s masculine clan and shun girls without remorse. Relations between the sexes at this age is a … Continue reading
Twins: I don’t know why I remember one particular topic which my twin sister and I argued about. We paid our dues to disagreements and head butting on a daily basis. The topics were as simple and as universal as … Continue reading
Kids, we have a few things to tell you about growing up. Babies are not yet children like you. They are surprisingly resilient, but that’s not for you to prove. Support a baby’s head when you hold it. Let it … Continue reading
He was born in Jerusalem and lived in the city all his life. As a teenager he fought in the independence war the city’s life and death struggle with the Jordanian Legion. The legion dealt the Jewish defenders of the … Continue reading
My shift with my baby daughter, Ye-ela, started every day at 2:30 PM. Ima (mom) and I had decided that we would raise her without the help of babysitters until she was old enough to talk. The daily passing of … Continue reading
Would it not be simple to have a Cheshire cat that listens, a white rabbit that has all the answers and be busy and careless trapped in perpetual teatime? Louise Carroll creates a wonderland and fills it with simple characters. … Continue reading